A Look into Our past Year and the Year to Come

As 2020 comes to an end, we're reflecting on all our clients accomplished this year and the work we're so proud of doing together with you. Our clients are always trying to change the world for the better and take on really challenging issues. We're honored to be a part of their teams.


Joe Biden tells Wall Street Journal moderators his positions on infrastructure.

United for Infrastructure hosted a presidential candidate forum called Moving America Forward in February, where leading presidential candidates led conversations on their plans for addressing the nation's infrastructure issues. We managed the press for the forum and were so proud that the forum was covered by dozens of outlets and carried live on C-SPAN, reaching millions of Americans.

US Water Alliance CEO Radhika Fox introduces Imagine a Day Without Water 2020 National Forum.

US Water Alliance boldly pivoted its work plans to tackle COVID head-on, both in substance and execution of our work. We helped the team manage the move from in-person events to successful virtual events, including the sixth annual Imagine a Day Without Water.

In addition to those tentpole events, we've helped clients advocating for national paid family leave policies and clients rolling out a new report on the importance of investing in flood-resilient infrastructure. We're helping foundations lift up the stories of their grantees and leverage media to give a voice to some people who often aren't heard from enough. We're excited to celebrate all the accomplishments of our clients this year and looking forward to working with them to make the most of 2021.

Giving Back

This holiday season we’d like to invite you to give back to families who could use some extra support. Through the Adopt-a-Family program with Women's Center and Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh (WCS), we are donating directly to families who are WCS clients. A donation to the program "adopts a family" by turning your monetary gift into gift cards for families who use WCS services. Then the moms use the gift cards to shop for their families this holiday season. It is a tax-deductible donation, and we appreciate the chance to help a local family directly who deserves a brighter holiday and hope you'll join us and adopt a family today.

Looking Toward 2021

We’ve missed seeing our clients smiling faces in person for most of the year, but we’re hopeful that we'll be able to gather again in person soon. In the meantime, our team wishes for a peaceful, restful break and a more equitable world in 2021.


Meet New Scottie Team Member, Jessica O’Keefe


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